
There are various classifications of solar inverters, here we will focus on other classification methods.

1. According to the frequency of output AC power, it can be divided into power frequency inverters, intermediate frequency inverters and high frequency inverters. The frequency of the power frequency inverter is 50-60Hz inverter; the frequency of the medium frequency inverter is generally 400Hz to more than ten kHz; the frequency of the high frequency inverter is generally more than ten kHz to MHz.

2. According to the number of phases output by the inverter, it can be divided into single-phase inverter, three-phase inverter and multi-phase inverter.

3. According to the whereabouts of the inverter's output power, it can be divided into active inverters and passive inverters. Any inverter that transmits the electric energy output by the inverter to the industrial grid is called an active inverter; any inverter that transmits the electric energy output by the inverter to a certain electric load is called a passive inverter. device.

4. According to the form of the main circuit of the inverter, it can be divided into single-ended inverter, push-pull inverter, half-bridge inverter and full-bridge inverter.

5. According to the type of main switching device of the inverter, it can be divided into thyristor inverter, transistor inverter, field effect inverter and insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) inverter, etc. It can also be classified into two categories: "half-controlled" inverters and "full-controlled" inverters. The former does not have self-shutoff capability, and the components lose control after they are turned on, so it is called "semi-controlled" ordinary thyristor and belongs to this category; the latter has self-shutoff capability, that is, no device The turn-on and turn-off of the control electrode can be controlled, so it is called "full control type". The power field effect transistor and the insulated gate double-weight transistor (IGBT) all belong to this category.

6. According to the DC power supply, it can be divided into voltage source inverter (VSI) and current source inverter (CSI). In the former, the DC voltage is nearly constant, and the output voltage is an alternating square wave; in the latter, the DC current is nearly constant, and the output current is an alternating square wave.

7. According to the inverter control method, it can be divided into frequency modulation (PFM) inverter and pulse width modulation (PWM) inverter.

8. According to the working mode of the inverter switching circuit, it can be divided into resonant inverter, fixed frequency hard switching inverter and fixed frequency soft switching inverter.

9. According to the inverter commutation method, it can be divided into load commutation inverter and self-commutation inverter.